APRIL 7 , 2005 / 1:58pm

Behold! Can of Spam! /
do not eat processed ham-pork /
instead, a Spam-dle


APRIL 2 , 2005 / 8:32am

looking for roommates /
but all i get is fan mail/
funny is a curse


MARCH 31, 2005 / 12:43pm

i found this movie /
and i made the decision /
no haiku today


MARCH 29, 2005 / 9:14am

need extra money /
so i've made a bunch of hats /
to sell on ebay


MARCH 25, 2005 / 12:48pm

it's a gorgeous day /
and my fucking car won't start /
don't feel like walking


MARCH 24, 2005 / 7:48pm

tried to cook dinner /
but hank decided to take /
a big smelly poo





All words/images ©2005 Stephanie Ziobro and NapalmFloozy.com.